Even after the Beatles had broken up in the 1970s, we still sang Yellow Submarine in nursery school in the early 1980s.
The First Single I Bought
The Simpsons was a favourite of mine, but if you didn’t have Sky, you had to rent a VHS tape containing three episodes from Blockbuster.
Since I, too, was a huge Michael Jackson fan, I decided to pick up the 7-in version of Do the Bartman, which included Jackson’s vocals and production.
The Song I Do at Karaoke

My sister and I have participated in karaoke before. Since she usually listens to groups like Abba at her friend’s houses, I prefer to bridge the gap between our musical tastes by singing I Was Made For Lovin’ You by Kiss.
The Tune to Which I, for Some Reason, Know Every Word
The Seahorses’ “Blinded By the Sun” is an outstanding tune. When John Squire departed the Stone Roses, Chris Helme, who had previously worked as a street performer, felt, “He’d be good.” Also, his name is very similar to mine, except that he added an E to the end.
The Song to Play at A Party
When I was a kid, I was at a birthday celebration and I heard Michael Jackson’s “Thriller,” and I ran out of the room because it was so terrifying. Consequently, I wouldn’t bank on it.
The Song I Stream the Most
Walking to the tune of Ace Frehley’s New York Groove is a pleasant experience.
The Song I Secretly Like but Tell Everyone I Hate

As soon as a song starts playing in the rear of an Uber, I always think, “This is great,” and immediately pull out my phone to identify it. This means that Ed Sheeran or Harry Styles will be the ones to take the crown. So, I’m a huge Ed Sheeran and Harry Styles fan in the back of an Uber, but I’d never confess it.
The tune I can’t stand any longer
My short film, Elephants, is a comedy. Toto’s “Africa” was featured heavily throughout the edit, and I must have heard it a hundred times or more.
I recently attended a wedding where the song “Africa” by Toto was sung in place of a hymn.
It was entertaining to watch a group of people who had never encountered the language struggle to figure it out.
The perfect sex anthem
The Motörhead song “Ace of Spades.”
One of those songs I wish I had composed
One of his ballads from the 1970s, when he was trying to be uber-mainstream, I Never Cry by Alice Cooper is really a downer. My late twenties and early thirties were soundtracked by this song.
The Song that Saved My Life

Soldier Girl by the Polyphonic Spree got me through a difficult breakup. The entire album has a strange vibe.
There was a time in my life when that was the only music I listened to, but I’ve never gone back to it.