Truth Social is a social media platform developed by Trump Media & Technology Group, an American media, and technology business established in October 2021 by former U.S. President Donald Trump. Truth Social is also known as TRUTH Social. According to others, the platform competes with Parler and Gab in the alt-tech space.
The launch day for the service was February 21, 2022. Since its debut, the Truth Social platform has had serious scaling issues, which has resulted in a lower user base than anticipated.
The service was only available to users in the United States and Canada up until May 2022 and could only be accessed through an iPhone app. Although access is still restricted by geography, the service developed a web app in May 2022 that allows users of any internet browser to visit the site.
Read More: Truth Social Influencers- Trump’s New Social Media Platform Is Covertly Pursuing Influencers!
How Do I Reset My Truth Social Password?

Step 1
Go to your Truth Social account’s sign-in page. Press the Forgot Password button.
Step 2
You will be taken to a page where you must enter the email address that you used to register for the Truth Social app during the signup process. Input your email address as prompted.
Step 3
The Truth Social app will then take you to another screen where it informs you that it has sent you an email. Go to your registered email and click the link that Truth Social has supplied for you. If you did not receive such a message, click the Resend Password Reset Link option. For the mail, you should also check your spam folder.
Step 4
You will arrive at a page that asks you to create a new password. In the Email blank field, enter your registered email, and in the New Password blank space, enter a new password that follows the instructions given below. When finished, select the Save Password tab.
The next page you get at will read New Password Updated. You now have a new password for your account with Truth Social. As simple as 1-2-3, correct?
Don’t worry if you’re still a little confused about the procedure; we’ve got you covered.
How to Change Truth Social Password without Phone Number or Email

Sorry, but without access to either of your email or phone numbers, you are unable to reset the Truth Social password. Once there is a successful method of changing the password without using an email address or phone number, we will update this.
Content Guidelines
Truth Social was introduced as a “big tent” platform that would allow “free expression” without being subject to political control.
The company’s terms of service said that it would not be held legally liable for “the content, accuracy, offensiveness, viewpoints [or] dependability” of whatever users might submit to the service when it was initially introduced in October 2021. The Communications Decency Act’s Section 230 appears to be the basis for this self-declared immunity, according to several critics. Trump vehemently opposed this statute while he was president.
Users are not allowed to “disparage, tarnish, or otherwise hurt, in our judgment, us and/or the Site,” according to the terms of service. Truth Social stated that it had the authority to “take appropriate legal action” in addition to “suspending or terminating your account.”
For actions it deems damaging or inappropriate, such as sending death threats and creating identities with parody names, Truth Social has blocked accounts.
Read More: Truth Social for Roku- Why Trump’s Social Network Will Get Hacked, Roku and Google Fight!

After blogging about the January 6 hearings, which were held to look into the 2021 attack on the US Capitol in which a crowd of Trump supporters trying to reverse his loss in the 2020 presidential election attacked the US Congress, multiple accounts were apparently suspended in June 2022.
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