AI-supported LMS – characteristics and examples

The industry of learning management system solutions is developing at a very fast pace. This is strongly influenced by the specific conditions of today’s labor market – the need for continuous training, the acquisition of new, often digital skills, and often also the gradual change of professional profiles. For employers, it is sometimes more worthwhile to retrain a good, loyal employee than to set in motion a costly recruitment process. At the same time, managers notice the ever-increasing need to optimize the processes in the company and maximize their performance.

The more people are hired – the more time it takes to introduce them into the organization and answer their often standard questions – which could be taken over by an AI-powered platform.

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What is an LMS?

Certainly, this abbreviation will soon be well known in most industries – from production to communication. LMS, i.e. Learning Management System, is also known as e-learning platforms or educational platforms (for distance learning). If it is mainly used for recruitment and onboarding purposes, it can also be called an HR platform. All these terms serve to designate a system that has a purpose – to increase knowledge in the organization in a structured, controlled way and as automated as possible. 

What is the point if a manager has to explain to a new employee for the hundredth time the details of submitting applications and the billing of business travel expenses? You can simply include the instructions once and automatically share it with the new employees whenever they join the company.

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In addition, to make sure that the employee has acquired all the information, the manager can instruct a knowledge test and only receive an alert if someone has failed the test.

Introducing a learning management system is worthwhile no matter how big the company is. In any case – whether you hire 20 or 10000 people – you save the time of important employees who could lead the same training for the tenth time instead of performing repeatable tasks, e.g. for the tenth time, develop further courses or work on the further development of the company. There are several such cases in every organization and managing them in a controlled manner means a lot of time and money at every stage of company development.

It must be noted that e-training benefits not only entrepreneurs, but also end users.

Workers can manage their knowledge and professional development – it is easier for them to register for courses, track their progress and, if necessary, repeat material, because the training is collected in one place and is often available practically all the time, every day and at any time. Such a platform, created by
e learning software development company, also offers them much more opportunities to learn, because they do not have to wait for free appointments and places, but can learn exactly when they want. In addition, there is the not insignificant receipt of certificates that are not only an effective motivator, but are also an ace up the sleeve for those who are trying to promote.

Artificial intelligence in the learning management system

The next level of e-learning platforms is integration with artificial intelligence – which actually happens more and more often. Before we explain how exactly AI makes learning more effective, we first have to determine what it is. Artificial intelligence is – very briefly – the ability of a system to think, analyze data and make decisions according to the example of human brain processes. 

Some examples of learning solutions based on artificial intelligence are chatbots, recommendation services or intelligent virtual assistants. AI should not replace the people in an organization, but support them in many processes in such a way that they can expand their possibilities and achieve better effects. That’s why artificial intelligence can be an exceptionally valuable asset to the company. Investing in AI now allows companies to keep a big lead over the competition. It can be said with certainty that AI is the basic building block of innovations in companies and is often built into e-learning systems.

The need for continuous training, retraining, frequent staff turnover of employees who, unlike their parents, are not tied to a job – these are the challenges of today’s company. E-learning platforms with artificial intelligence offer unprecedented possibilities and thus represent the future of learning.

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Every company can experience a positive transformation – no matter how big it is.